
I believe that almost anyone can build a software startup!

On my path I had the luxury of working and meeting with amazing people, who were able to start their company/product without years of experience in software development. It felt inspiring how they were able to build a MVP, hack their way through and prove to their customers that they are worth their salt.

The struggle made me realize that if only they knew A, or B from the tech world they, would have been even more successful. For some founders, it could mean that their startups would live. As a technical person, I want to share practical knowledge about software engineering in startups, so we can have more beautiful startups solving real problems!

Work wise I have 10+ years experience working as a software engineer and lead, involved with more than 5 startups (so far :)) During this time I was trying to understand what makes a good startup work and finally decided to share it with you!

I encourage you to sign up to my newsletter, so you get fresh stuff as soon as it's published. Additionally if there is any topic, or challenge you would like to discuss, email me on dariusz.dudzinski.it@gmail.com